Tutorial Interaktif Microsoft Office 2007
Bagi yang baru mencoba Microsoft Office 2007, saya rasa agak sedikit kesulitan untuk memahami tata letak menu dibandingkan dengan Microsoft Office 2003 atau yang sebelumnya. Jika anda masih kurang paham, ada Tutorial Interaktif yang disediakan oleh Microsoft berguna mempelajari tatak letak menu. Tutorial ini meliputi tutorial Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint dan Ms. Access versi 2007.
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Microsoft Access 2007 (3.26 MB)
Microsoft Excel 2007 (1.49 MB)
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (1.55 MB)
Contoh Tampilan Tutorial :
Semoga Bermanfaat.
Article entitled "Tutorial Interaktif Microsoft Office 2007" ini Posted by Oki Helfiska on day Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 7:26 PM in Labels: Office 2003, and Office 2007 » existing 3 Comment, hopefully useful for you.
With a combination of keywords and title tags: Office 2003, Office 2007, Tutorial Interaktif Microsoft Office 2007 Office 2003, Tutorial Interaktif Microsoft Office 2007 Office 2007,
3 comments terhadap "Tutorial Interaktif Microsoft Office 2007"
gan, link download udah ga bisa di akses, bisa upload ulang???
If you want to activate Microsoft office 2007,you can go to;www.cdekey.com to got an activation key. Key is very cheap and is a genuine sharing of experiences after I buy it for you.
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